Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
In Byrrham, John Weever

Is Byrrha browne? who doth the question aske?
Her face is pure as Ebonie jeat blacke,
It's hard to know her face from her faire maske,
Beautie in her seems beautie still to lacke.
Nay, shee's snow-white, but for that russet skin,
Which like a vaile doth keep her whitenes in.

Is Byrrha of doubtful spiritual beauty? Who askes this question?
Her face is pure jet-black ebony, it is hard to know her beautiful/white facial mask,
Beauty in her still lacks beauty.
No, she's snow-white beautiful, except for her reddish brown skin,
which like a vaile keeps her whiteness/beauty in.


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